Adventure Student Travel - A Wonderful Event in the Life of a Student

Adventure student travel is a great option for many students.

Interested in an adventure of your own?

Whether your group is looking for a great senior class trip, a performance venue or an educational experience, adventure student travel typically has everything that both an experienced and a novice traveler might consider.

Do I have your interest yet? Well, check out some of these activities that you can experience when you are traveling.

Consider a literature tours - books come to life as you explore authors' homes as well as inspiration. Visit such locations like the Hannibal Missouri where one can tour Mark Twain's boyhood home and experience sites such as Mark Twain cave and a riverboat cruise.

Eco Tours - when you select an eco tour, it is just like you choose to lessen your negative impact about the planet and increase it powerful impact on you. These tours are definitely becoming more popular as we are all becoming more sensitive to the needs of our planet.

Black history tours - these options allow you to visit historic sites from black history and learn more about the most prominent leaders and explore some of the most fascinating sites in Atlanta, Boston, and many more.

Art tours - these allow students to see more of the top art museums in the world. Students will have the opportunity to experience first hand famous paintings, sculptures and works of art by world famous artists like Michelangelo, Picasso and Van Gogh.

Fashion tours - fashion is a form of art as well as a very powerful industry throughout the world. Apart from this, it is also a sheer fun! These tours can provide you with one of the most energetic and vibrant industries in the world.

Colonial tours - you can take a journey to the past as you discover historical sites and attractions in areas like Plymouth and Williamsburg.

Being a student is not only experienced in the four corners of the classroom, it can also be enjoyed outside taking some educational tours.

Adventure student travel has definitely been an enjoyable and educational outing for many over the years and if you are looking for a life changing experience, you just might consider booking a trip for yourself!

5 Steps to Prepare Your College Student For the Real World

You are in the home stretch... your child is in college. Officially, there are not many more years of "under the roof" parenting left. They will always want your advice -whether they will admit it or not. Here are some tips to help you give your child some last minute guidance and pointers that will hopefully help them when they are out of college and in the real world.

Step 1 - Tough love (or at least tougher love)
Let them start taking more responsibility for their actions/decisions and the consequences that go along with them. This is going to cause you some pain as a parent, but keep your eyes on the long term prize. They will appreciate you later in life for being tough now.

Step 2 - Money management
As they get further into their college years, you might want to think about giving them their money allotment (money for food, allowance, supplies and the like) in a single lump sum at the beginning of the semester instead of giving it to them monthly, weekly or on demand. You will have to implement #1 in this list for this to be effective. The first semester will be the hardest (again see #1). They might have to do without some of the things that they deem necessities when they choose to spend their money elsewhere. This is not to say be so strict with bailing them out that it interferes with their education, but just enough to make them sweat and learn about responsibly managing their money. Remember, it is better now for them to do without going out as much as they like instead of having to do without their car when they can't make the payments.

Step 3 - Networking
Although they have been doing it for most of their lives with friends and friends of friends, try and impress on them the importance of their network of friends and associates. Whether it is finding a job, a date or a place to live, their contacts will be more important as soon as they graduate. Encourage them to be very conscious and deliberate with figuring out their network (friend contacts, work contacts, friends from the activities). Although it might have been your enemy while they were younger Facebook is very helpful with viewing and establishing their network. Especially helpful is the "Friend Wheel" Facebook application. This visually displays the relationships between all of their Facebook friends. Very cool, you should check it out also.

Step 4 - Work Ethic
Remind them of the basics like the importance of a good work ethic, keeping true to themselves and generally being the best person that they can be. Granted that they are going to change some as circumstances in their lives change, but there some core things that need to stay rather constant for them and they will be a better person for it.

Step 5 - Choices
Lastly (this sounds kind of fatherly, but what the heck, I am one), impress on them the importance of choosing the right people, places and things. Choosing right on these will generally make their lives better and more stable.

Using College Student Jobs to Open Doors in the Professional World

College students throughout the United Kingdom turn to part-time employment to help pay for university fees and living expenses. These jobs are often seen as an expedient way to earn a pay check without consideration of potential work experience that would be useful down the road. University students who take the time to research part-time and temporary jobs during their period of matriculation will be able to point to these experiences in the future.

Students interested in marketing, advertising and design need to think of retail positions as a way to learn the basics of their future profession. A shoe clerk can work at a small boutique and create hand-written signs to draw in customers while they make a steady wage. Cashiers at a local grocery can inquire about the daily business dealings of the company through their managers. These positions may seem like opportunities to pay off monthly debts but a few months of hard work can open doors down the road.

The references built through college student jobs can reveal professional opportunities after graduation. University graduates who have spent their summers working hard on construction sites, delivery routes and factory lines will develop good relationships with their employers. These employers can be placed on a CV for contact by dozens of employers in the future. In the same way that flat mates and university colleagues are important at the beginning of a professional career, references from college student jobs are vital to landing the best jobs.

College student jobs allow employees to save a little of their money while they pay off some of their larger debts. A combination of college student loans, savings from summer work and a steady check from a student job gives a student greater financial flexibility through graduation. The cost of living grows as students move into a new apartment and need to purchase household items after graduation. A small chunk of each check can be set aside for a post-graduation fund instead of going into disposable goods like MP3s and drinks.

Students who plan ahead with their university employment will build the skills needed to deal with long term issues in their profession. A young student who takes on a temporary job in a legal office and wants to work in international affairs can ask the right questions of her employer about the right educational course. A well-planned employment experience during the university years can lead to prosperity down the road.

The Benefits of Using a Student Marketplace

In all parts of the world, being a student means living a truly bohemian existence. As college taxes are usually pretty high and the expanses are the same, even when living in campus, students have to get by on a limited budget. For this very reason, they are always scouting the market for discounts or low prices. A concept that has quickly gained popularity is the student marketplace. This is actually a special market designed for students, giving them access to a wide range of products and services coming at highly affordable prices. It is worth mentioning that a student marketplace is found in the online space. Many, many websites of this kind have appeared overnight and students have discovered that these are quite beneficial for several reasons. Therefore, here are the advantages you will gain as a result of using these platforms.

First of all, all the products and services you will find here come at great prices. As mentioned in the beginning, students have a limited budget and most likely, the low prices practiced do represent the biggest advantage there is. Secondly, diversity is worth mentioning. You might be surprised to find out that on specialized websites of this kind, you are sure to find more than just student books. Sure, these come in a large number, but you will also find devices of various kinds, transportation services, beauty products and so on. Basically, anything you might be interested in is already posted on such online websites. All you really have to is to search the product database and see what you can find. Furthermore, these online platforms are very easy to use. Considering that the interest is to connect the buyer with the product or service that interests him, a search bar is available and all you have to do is type in the item you would like to buy. The list of benefits has not ended. What you should know about these websites is that the product database keeps on changing. Students add all sorts of products and services on a regular basis. So, you might want to keep on searching these platforms, as you never know what you can find.

Student marketplaces are usually set up by students which means that by using them, you have real chances of getting to know others taking the same classes as you. You might change ideas, opinions, even books. Truth be told, online platforms of this kind are helpful for all students, those that are selling, as well as those that are buying. Student marketplaces are great ways of making an income. Considering all the aspects mentioned above, it would seem that making use of these websites is a very good idea. Thus, if you ever find yourself in need of books, appliances or different services, be sure to search the online market and choose a trustworthy website. You will see that once you start trading, you will find it hard to stop. Who knows? You might even add a few products on the website.

Student Travel: The Best Way to Travel

Traveling is a compelling pastime from time immemorial. Humans love traveling; they get restless if they stay put for too long a time in one place. Traveling answers to the quest for knowing more about other people, other cultures, other customs and traditions, other ways of living, other religions, and the list goes on.

All this makes traveling thrilling and one of the greatest ways of relaxation of all. Everybody loves traveling, but those who simply thrive on it are the students. Students, all over the world, undergo most trips in their pursuit of fun and adventure.

What Makes Student Travel so Special

Student travel is special simply because it is totally carefree. They have no worries to carry with them, they have their youth to support them, and they have the greatest possible discounts to encourage them. In short, student travel is actually the best travel experience you will ever have in your life. So, if you are a student, make sure you make the best of this opportunity.

The best way to get the most out of student travel is to seek out the special offers at different times of the year offered by different destinations and airlines. Work out an itinerary that would keep entertained for as long as you want - from one week to one year or more. Of course, the fun would be multiplied to no end if you decide to travel in groups. Groups are offered even better prices, and being together enhances the joy of any vacation trip to anywhere in the world.

Some Great Ideas for Student Travel Destinations

If you are bitten by the travel bug, you will do good if you indulge in it as much as you can during your student days. Once you leave the education stream and step into the world, the "free rides" are over. You have many, many choices, just make the best and the most out of it as soon as you can.

Visit all historic places in a continent, such as Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and so on. This type of a student travel trip is best endeavored with a group of colleagues and friends for three major reasons: traveling in group is great fun, traveling in group is safe, and traveling in a group gets the best discounts.

Volunteer with the UN Forces or any other world-famous volunteers, and travel wherever you are sent to help the fellow human beings out of economical, political or health problems. All over the world, students make for more than 75 percent of volunteers in development work, which is extremely commendable.

You might have learned to climb a mountain and you want to experience your prowess and strength. You might want to find out what it is like to raft down the rapids of a river, or the thrills that a Safari in an African jungle offers. The list is endless, because every day new quests are introduced by these youngsters, making impossible to know about everything all the time. However, the best thing is that you have some great choices waiting for you.

10 Top Reasons to Go on Student Tours

Professionally-run student tours are a perfect opportunity to combine education with a little fun and adventure. They offer the chance to spend time taking in some culture or focusing on a specific area of art, life or history with the advantages of a safe travel environment. Here are the top 10 benefits that students can gain from student tours:

1. Meeting other students! We often think about student tours as being about focusing on culture, art, environmental aspects of life and so on, but one of the most beneficial aspects (according to students) is meeting other students from different countries and cultures.

2. Having fun. We often forget that being a student, in England especially, is financially crippling. Worries about student debts and getting a good job afterwards means that students sometimes have undue burdens on their shoulders. Student tours combine education with the opportunity to relax a little.

3. Gaining educational benefits. Student tours often focus on a very niche area enabling a very rich cultural and educational experience.

4. Learning about yourself and others. These tours take students away from their usual place of study/home and transport somewhere new. This encourages them to be independent and to learn more about themselves and the world, as well as learning about how to interact with other people from different cultures. This can really help to boost a CV and can also show resilience and independence - two qualities that employers always look for in candidates.

5. Becoming more self reliant. Away from their own environment students have to be more self reliant, helping them to become more independent and able to move easily from student life to adulthood.

6. Developing an area of expertise. Student tours really help give students an in depth knowledge of a particular issue and again, this can really help to improve a CV and make sure that they have the edge in the future job market.

7. Developing different perspectives. Students often relate that until they went on a tour they didn't really understand the wider world. Student tours are about living and breathing a different culture and experiencing a new perspective.

8. Demonstrating initiative. Students who sign up for educational tours are obviously those who care passionately about their educational and a particular subject. This positive environment fosters enthusiasm and initiative.

9. An improved CV. All the reasons listed above really help to show that an individual is knowledgeable and well rounded and this can greatly improve future job opportunities.

10. CONFIDENCE! Students return feeling more aware and knowledgeable which leaves them brimming with confidence.

Student Engagement Through 3D Artifacts

The purpose of using 3D artifacts in the classroom is to expand the thinking of the students. They figure out what the artifact is, how it was found, and what can be learned from it. Learning with artifacts allows students to go beyond the scope of their individual lives and delve into the larger picture of the world. For example, a student can look at 3D objects such as a piece of clothing and discover a great deal about the community to which it belongs. They go beyond seeing a tribal dress as just a dress and learn more about its story. What material is the dress made of? Why? How was it made? Was it a ceremonial dress? These 3D artifacts in the classroom are excellent tools for teaching, because they open conversations about them that dig deeper into their world context.

Teaching with artifacts will not only allow students to discover the intricacies of other cultures, but also allows them to compare the experiences of others with their own lives. The way 3D objects are found is a unique concept to share with you students. Archeology is like a grown-up treasure hunt, the treasure being the insight they gain from their findings. Make your first lesson in learning with artifacts about the process in which artifacts are discovered. Not only is this a fundamental lesson to learn, it is also intriguing how 3D objects get buried throughout time and are later excavated.

When teaching with artifacts, it can be fun to explain to students that they are acting as investigators or detectives. Making learning with artifacts a fun adventure will increase student participation and get them excited about learning new things. The 3D artifacts in the classroom will act as clues in a mystery they need to solve. Using this technique makes learning with artifacts fun and motivates students to delve more deeply into the subject they need to learn. The freedom of exploration and enlightenment are what make 3D objects necessary tools for teaching in classrooms.

The introduction of 3D artifacts in the classroom allows teachers to expand their lesson plans and increase the success of their students. Instead of memorizing facts and spitting them out a worksheet, students get to be part of the gathering of information giving them a better chance of making meaning from and retaining what they learned. With a steady stream of information only a click away, thanks to the Web, many students are questioning the importance of school. By bringing 3D artifacts in the classroom, you motivate students and give them a reason to attend school. Knowing how to use artifacts in the classroom is essential to this generation of learners.

Student Tours Enter the Magical World of the Great White Way

The most well known professional theater in the U.S., Broadway Theater District in New York City, is considered to represent the highest level of commercial theater in the world. For student group travelers interested in theater and performance, Broadway represents a world of exciting learning opportunities.

Shows that reach Broadway and thrive there historically have been considered more mainstream than those produced Off-Broadway and Off-Off-Broadway. So it's not surprising that most Broadway shows are commercial productions intended to make a profit for producers and investors. Musicals typically make longer runs than do non-musical productions. In fact, The Phantom of the Opera at the Majestic Theatre became the longest-running Broadway musical in 2006, surpassing Cats. To date, musical productions including Wicked, Hairspray, Chicago, The Lion King, and Rent are just a few of the Broadway musical which have captured the imaginations of its audiences.

The area near Times Square in midtown Manhattan is home to many Broadway theaters. The dizzying neon lights of stardom could make any aspiring performer giddy. And it's here that student group travelers interested in performing can take advantage of the theatrical education programs. Two excellent options are Broadway Student Lab and Hands-On Broadway, both offered by student tour supplier, Travel Adventures, designed to introduce students to what it takes to be a star on stage.

Developed for acting, singing and dancing students, Broadway Student Lab presents an exciting week of theater projects, performances and workshops with talented singers, dancers, casting directors and writers. This program is an excellent value for theater teachers who want to strengthen the core performers in their high school theater programs. In the midst of taking master classes in acting and voice techniques, student group travelers also attend Broadway and Off-Broadway shows and meet with cast members.

After arrival and check-in a New York City hotel, students engage in theater games and an improv exercise, designed to dramatize events currently in the news. On day two, student performers attend "The Business of Show Business," led by an experienced theater professional who shares about the long road it takes from study to stage and how student can also achieve success. Later, a question-and-answer session with a working Broadway actor highlights theater career opportunities. Students also meet "Fresh Talent," a group of aspiring performers who are pursuing stage careers. This group shares interesting tales on what it's like on the road to stardom. In the evening, students enter the magic of "the Great White Way" with attendance at a live performance.

Day three kicks off with a guided sightseeing tour of New York City. The tour highlights the cultural icons of the city, such as Lincoln Center, Central Park and Greenwich Village. From 86 floors above the heart of Manhattan, student tours take in the views from the Empire State Building. The attraction's observatory offers panoramic views from within a glass-enclosed pavilion - the same where Cary Grant once waited for Deborah Kerr in an Affair to Remember.

The week rounds out with three additional Broadway performances, more workshops taught by Broadway professionals, and a visit with a casting director who provides an inside perspective on the audition process.

An exclusive, one-of-a-kind workshop for theater students, Hands-On Broadway features thematic 90-minute sessions that are both fun and educational. During this program, student participants go behind the scenes with Broadway professional who strives to expand and enhance their skills.

For example, student performers can explore the techniques of how a theatrical text comes to life by partnering with an instructor to better understand the creation of inventive, honest, and detailed scene work. They can also gain a better understanding of what it means to pursue a career in the arts with a workshop designed to arm students with an arsenal of information, including headshots, resumes, auditions, and college admissions. Choral students can perform alongside a Broadway professional while learning about vocal technique. With the help of a musical director, groups perfect a piece of prepared music and then sing along with a professional. A question-and-answer session concludes the workshop.

Sightseeing may also be included in this program with visits to New York favorites, such as the Theater District, Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Lincoln Center, and Radio City Music Hall, enhancing the student group travel experience.

Student Entrepreneurs Taking on the World

While many college kids are busy looking for the next party, or just happy to be away from their parents, there is a new group of students with their futures... and the future of business in mind. As a matter of fact, many of these "kids" have already built a business and career before they even manage to graduate. How? By entering the world of entrepreneurship. Here are a couple of their stories.

College Student Creates Wireless Headphones

At one time, all Ketan Rahangale was worried about was being a DJ. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, he soon grew tired of being "tied down" to his DJ table by all of the wires needed to work his equipment. It took him hours to set it all up, and then he couldn't enjoy moving to the music because of the wiring. So what did he do about it? His need created an opportunity. With the help of partners, this freshman of entrepreneurship at Babson created a device which took the place of all of the wiring. Within nine months from the start of his company, Ketan had a yearly income of over $100,000 and was named one of the top entrepreneurs under 30 by The Startup America Project and Empact.

College Party-Guy Creates Giant Beer Koozie

Maz Chautin was likely a little more worried about the party than Ketan. Entrepreneur Magazine shares that Maz "went to his share of keg parties while studying political science at John Hopkins University." While partying, Maz realized that there was a need for a beer koozie large enough to cover an entire keg of beer... eliminating the need for so much ice. In just 6 months time, his venture, "Kegskins" made $40,000. He invested only $10,000 of his own money, and Maz was soon selling his products for $40 to $50 a piece. He makes even more profit by utilizing the blank space on kegs by selling logos and ads spaces on his Kegskins.

Student Uses Fashion to Unite the World

Serengetee is a company that unites the world through fashion. Jeff Steitz is the founder and CEO who started the company in his college dorm. Jeff had traveled the globe, bringing back bits of fabric from various countries. He saw the beautiful fabrics as a business opportunity that would help bring people from all over the globe together. Jeff took these fabric bits and added them as pockets to T-shirts, which he can buy in bulk. Customers can choose from 50 different fabrics from all over the world. Selling his shirts for $24 each, Serengetee enjoyd a hefty 60 to 80 percent profit, and donate 13 percent to charity.